Hey...Your Dryer's Done
I'm Leslie and I'm the person behind these words. I’m a born and raised Texas girl. Wife. Mom of 3. Writer. Nurse.
"The Dryer's Done" is a metaphor for this stage of life. A parable of sorts. See...by the time the dryer is done, so much has already been done. Laundry has been collected, stain treated, washed, moved to the dryer and dried. So much work to get to this point. So much effort, toil and intentionality.
But when the dryer is done, there's still more to do. There's sorting, folding and putting away. Sometimes...sigh, there's ironing.
This metaphor is so descriptive of motherhood, and specifically, where I am in my life. So much has been done. I've carried three babies, birthed them and raised them to the point we're at today. But there's still more to do. There's teaching, admonishing, reproving, building up, shaping. Sometimes...sigh, there's discipline.
My purpose in this space is about engaging, restoring and encouraging the family as a unit, and my desire is to restore the dignity, the respect, and the appreciation for the sacred and beautiful things that take place within the four walls of our homes. The teaching and admonishing that takes place in between the tickle fights and the diaper changes. There is a great depth to the heart and soul of our grand purpose. I'm here to help each one of us reclaim our title, examine what's gone wrong and move forward in a new way. That our children, our husbands, our coworkers and our communities would rise and call us blessed. Because we are.
Every. Single. Day.
I'm here to encourage you in this moment of your life when "the dryer is done". When you've done so much, but you're not done yet.
Leslie Kvasnicka
I'm the person behind these words. I'd love to connect with anyone who stumbles here and is looking for a tribe of women who together, are aiming to raise joy-seeking, kind-hearted kiddos for the joy of the Lord.